7th Grade STEM Field Trips
Students from the St. Symphorosa grade school visited the Shilatifard, Foltz, and Mendillo labs for several STEM field trips.
Recent Field Trip to the all-girls high school, Our Lady of Tepeyac during Women's History Month.
SQE Inspire Program Hosts Shadow Day for High School Girls from Our Lady of Tepeyac
Students from St. Frances of Rome visited multiple labs for a STEM field trip.
Students from the Academy of St. Benedict the African visited the Shilatifard lab for a STEM field trip.
Students from the St. Symphorosa grade school visited the Shilatifard, Foltz, and Mendillo labs for several STEM field trips.
High School students toured the CZ Biohub in Chicago and met with many scientists.
High School students from Trinity High School visited the Robotic Matter Lab on the Evanston campus.
Members of the BMG department donated toys and other items to the Lurie Children's Hospital.
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